Monday, September 7, 2009

Photo of Tiger worm

I'm back heres a photo of my Tiger worm. This Tiger worm is from the North-east Monnails. And these Tiger worms become 3 feet high and 5 feet wide. So they become very big. 

The next time that I blog I hope that I will have a name for this worm. 

Must be off. 

Name for Tiger worm

Hello everyone

Thought-out traveling the world I have been collecting soggy sandwiches so that I can feed my new pet the Tiger worm. 

I've been having trouble naming my Tiger worm so people have been saying that I should call the Tiger worm something that comes for the land. So I was thinking what about Balfour which means grazing land.  

I will be back in a few minutes as I'm going to take a photo of the Tiger worm so that I can show you

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Soggy sandwiches


Well the party has just ended and the cleaning up starts. Where did this mess come from well when word got round that I was home. Everyone from the township showed up with the towns famous beer called yellow teeth.

Any way this is one of the soggy sandwiches that I have collected along the away. You may have been thinking to yourself why would someone collect soggy sandwiches. Well its a two Tiger worms that I had got give for my birthday present before I left on my hoilday. Theres a rumour that if you give the tiger worms sogy sandwiches they will bring you luck in the after life. Dont know how real this is but one day I sure that I will find out.

Must be off and finish the rest of the cleaning

Thursday, September 3, 2009


Hello all

Me and Spot came home yesterday morning from traveling around the global and collecting these soggy sandwiches.

When we pulled up the road we found this amazing balloon. I have taken a picture so I will post it up for you.

Must be off

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Home sweet home

Hello everyone

Myself and Spot have made it home to Rainvilles. But though out my travels I have found that the water is rising at a fast speed and thats how the tracks and paths got lost.
But I have noticed that thought out this country the water level is get higher and I have been told that this is global warming which I am having some trouble understanding what it is.

You may have been asking yourself WHY I have been collecting the soggy sandwichs on this amazing journy across this globe. They will go to my tiger worms that eat sandwiches that have been forgotten about.

I will try to get some photos and post them on the blog so that you can see what my tiger worms look like.

Must be off

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Hi all

After last time I post a blog I have found a track that has lead me to a village with little huts and other things. But when looking though the village I haven't found anyone so I think that me and spot  will camp here tonight under the star. 

Need to go start a fire and find some food